Most lenders use credit report information to evaluate the creditworthiness of potential borrowers. Borrowers with good credit are presumed to be more creditworthy and may find it easier to obtain a loan, often at a lower interest rate. You can do a number of things to help improve what’s on your credit report, including the […]
Hindsight is 2020: What Will You Do Differently This Year?
According to a recent survey, 76% of Americans reported having at least one financial regret. Over half of this group said it had to do with savings: 27% didn’t start saving for retirement soon enough, 19% didn’t contribute enough to an emergency fund, and 10% wish they had saved more for college.1 The saving conundrum […]
Tips for Targeting Your Retirement Savings Goal
Tips for Targeting Your Retirement Savings Goal What if you’re saving as much as you can, but still feel that your retirement savings goal is out of reach? As with many of life’s toughest challenges, it may help to focus less on the big picture and more on the details. Regularly review your assumptions Whether […]
Top Eight Changes in the SECURE Act You Need to Know
As has become usual practice, Congress passed some meaningful tax legislation as it recessed for the holidays. In one of the new meaningful laws, passed on December 19, you find the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (SECURE Act). The SECURE Act made many changes to how you save money for […]
Client Parking Pass
Effective January 1, 2020, our new parking policy requires the use of a pass to park on the back lot of 139 N. Main Street. The parking designated for VISITORS ONLY does not require a parking pass, however, all other parking spaces require a pass. We provide the passes, at our front desk, or you may […]
2019 Halloween
This past Halloween we enjoyed dressing up as The Cat in The Hat (Carl) and the 360 Things (1, 2, 3, and 4). Here is some photo-proof that we can have fun.
i95 Business Highlights Carl Strozyk
i95 Business Highlights Carl Strozyk and 360 Financial Group as Harford County Business Leader As part of its August issue, i95 Business shined a spotlight on Harford County business leaders, and Carl Strozyk of 360 Financial Group is honored to be chosen.
Can I roll my traditional 401(k) account balance over to a Roth IRA?
Yes, you can make a direct, or 60-day rollover from a 401(k) plan [or other qualified plan, 403(b) plan, or governmental 457(b) plan] to a Roth IRA, as long as you meet certain requirements.* First, you must be entitled to a distribution from your plan. While you can always access your account when you terminate […]
What is a rollover IRA, and do I need one?
Generally, the term “rollover IRA” refers to an IRA that you establish to receive funds from an employer retirement plan like a 401(k). A rollover IRA is also sometimes referred to as a “conduit IRA.” When you roll funds over from an employer plan to an IRA, your financial institution may suggest that you use […]
The Health-Wealth Connection
It’s a vicious cycle: Money is one of the greatest causes of stress, prolonged stress can lead to serious health issues, and health issues often result in yet more financial struggles.¹ The clear connection between health and wealth is why it’s so important to develop and maintain lifelong plans to manage both. The big picture […]