Life insurance has long been recognized as a useful way to provide for your heirs and loved ones when you die. Naming your policy’s beneficiaries should be a relatively simple task. However, there are several situations that can easily lead to unintended and adverse consequences you may want to avoid. Not Naming a Beneficiary The […]
Decisions, Decisions: Weighing the Pros and Cons of an IRA Rollover
If you lose a job, switch employers, or step into retirement, you might consider rolling your retirement plan savings into an IRA. But this isn’t your only option; it could make more sense to keep the money in your previous employer’s plan or move it to your new employer’s plan (if allowed by the plan). […]
Considerations When Making Gifts to Children
If you make significant gifts to your children or someone else’s children (perhaps a grandchild, a nephew, or a niece), or if someone else makes gifts to your children, there are a number of things to consider. Nontaxable Gift Transfers There are a variety of ways to make transfers to children that are not treated […]
How Well Do You Understand Retirement Plan Rules?
Qualified retirement plans, such as IRAs and 401(k)s, have many rules, and some of them can be quite complicated. Take the following quiz to see how well you understand some of the finer points. 1. You can make an unlimited number of retirement plan rollovers per year. A. True B. False C. It depends 2. […]
Growing Interest in Socially Responsible Investing
U.S. assets invested in socially responsible strategies topped $17.1 trillion at the start of 2020, up 42% from two years earlier. Sustainable, responsible, and impact (SRI) investments now account for nearly one-third of all professionally managed U.S. assets.1 This upward trend suggests that many people want their investment dollars to pursue a financial return and make […]
Home-Sweet-Home Equity
Buying a home is a long-term commitment, so it’s not surprising that older Americans are much more likely than younger people to own their homes “free and clear” (see chart). If you have paid off your mortgage or anticipate doing so by the time you retire, congratulations! Owning your home outright can help provide financial flexibility and […]
Money Market Funds in a Low Rate Environment
After pushing interest rates gradually upward for three years, the Federal Reserve dropped the benchmark federal funds rate to near zero (0%–0.25%) in March 2020 to help mitigate the economic damage caused by COVID-19.1 The funds rate affects many short-term interest rates, including the rates on money market mutual funds, which were already low to begin […]
Is Your Home Office Also a Tax Shelter?
The pandemic ushered in the age of video meetings, providing a glimpse into many kinds of home workspaces. For many workers, a dedicated home office became more important than ever in 2020, though not everyone will get a tax break for having one. A Perk for Business Owners Only self-employed workers, independent contractors, and partners […]
Real Estate for Income and Diversification
An estimated 145 million Americans own real estate investment trusts (REITs) in their retirement accounts and other investment funds.1 The primary appeal of REITs is the potential for a consistent income stream and greater portfolio diversification. Of course, like all investments, REITs also have risks and downsides. Pooled Property Investments An equity REIT — the most […]
Test Your Knowledge of College Financial Aid
Financial aid is essential for many families, even more so now in light of COVID-19. How much do you know about this important piece of the college financing puzzle? 1. If my child attends a more expensive college, we’ll get more aid Not necessarily. Colleges determine your expected family contribution, or EFC, based on the […]